What is Life Coaching?
Coaching is a relational alliance that leverages the art of deep listening, powerful questions and intentional exploration to produce awareness, change, and transformation for the client. In coaching, the client has agency, is the one naming the goals, designs action plans to meet those goals, and does 80% of the talking. Faith-based coaching (from a Christian lens) looks at each individual as beloved of God, believes that person has been specifically gifted by God, and helps the person discover how they are being invited by God to use these gifts in God’s work of loving and healing the world.

What is Grief Coaching?
Coaching at End of Life (including living losses) and Grief Coaching equips people to walk with those who are facing all the losses of life.
Grieving and mourning are important parts of healing and learning to adjust to life when loss, transition, or death occurs. First and foremost, it is important to recognize your feelings, give yourself time and space to mourn in healthy ways, and take care of yourself after a loss.

Hi! I am Pastor JoAnna Patterson. As a trained ELCA Life, End of Life, and Grief Coach, it would be an honor to accompany you on this journey. Please contact me at PastorJoAnna@me.com to set up a time to talk about a coaching relationship.