Church Ministries
Church Council
Our Church Council meets the 3rd Monday of every month, with the exception of July unless needed. We meet in the Fellowship Room at 6:00pm. All congregation members are invited and welcome to attend the meeting.
Dart Ball League
22 weeks of fun for the guys! It begins in late Sept and goes through April, ending with play-offs and a banquet. This year, Mike Banker is chair.
Social Ministry
Faith Lutheran is very active in reaching out to our community. We support local food pantries at Thanksgiving and Easter. At Christmas we support the Angel Tree program through Salvation Army, which provides gifts for families who are going through financial difficulties.
Parish Life
This ministry is all about fun and fellowship! We meet once a month for our Out To Dinner Group that visits a different local restaurant each month. We also have annual events such as our Ice Cream Social and Holiday Craft Show (however, there will not be a Holiday Craft Show in 2021).
6th, 7th and 8th grade students meet throughout the school year to learn about the New Testament,
Old Testament and Lutheran Catechism. This interactive time focuses on the Faith Formation of our students as they are involved in worship and community service. Oh…we have a lot of fun too!
Children’s Ministry
We offer Children’s Church every Sunday during our 9:30 church service. We have a scholarship fund for all of our kids, ages 6-16, who would like to attend LOMC – Lutheran Outdoor Ministries Center in Oregon, IL.
All are invited to our annual Easter Egg Hunt.