Church Wide Rummage Sale


Join us for a HUGE sale to support our youth trip this summer. We have everything AND A SINK! Tools, Toys, Furniture and more. RAIN OR SHINE (Indoors!)

We will also be offering hot dogs, lemonade, music, and fun! We base our sale from the vision set in Isaiah 55, where everyone has access to what they need! Our sale does not have prices! Everything we have is pay what you are able to pay, or pay what you think it is worth! This fundraiser is to help send our youth on a trip to the ELCA Youth Gathering this summer in New Orleans. We have four youth, 2 chaperones and our pastor attending.


Please pray for our youth, and our trip! We are praying that this is a life changing event and hope to learn what it means to walk alongside a community and help meet people where they are learning about them and their needs.