Here is a rundown of what Sunday morning looks like at Faith!
Find a parking spot, and come on in! We have greeters just inside the door to help with any questions or needs.
The people of Faith are warm, welcoming and down to earth. Our worship is a bit traditional, and a bit modern.
Roll on down the main hallway and land in the Sanctuary. Pick up a bulletin on the way in so you can follow along and participate in worship of God. We also project our service on the wall so you can follow that way as well! Everything is in there, so you can anticipate what is coming next. We sing, confess where we missed the mark, receive forgiveness, remind ourselves of the promise of God’s love and grace through the Word, share the Holy Meal, and pray for those who are in need. God’s blessing and presence is offered on our way to take with us back out into the world.
Holy Communion is celebrated at every service, every week, and we offer wine, grape juice and bread or Gluten Free wafer. You don’t have to be a member of Faith or Lutheran to receive Holy Communion … Christ is the host of this meal and ALL are welcome and have a place at God’s table!
Kids are welcome at Faith, and their wiggles and giggles are too! Kids learn by seeing and doing, and worship is important for them. There is a spot near the front of the sanctuary where crayons and a carpet are available for young ones to experience worship at their pace, and close to the side aisle for a quick exit if necessary. During the readings and sermon, we offer an opportunity for kids to have their own age appropriate experience at Children’s Church with the scripture for the day. Those that go downstairs rejoin worship for communion after the prayers.
As we head out on our way, there is time for building relationships – as well as coffee and donuts – in our fellowship room to the right just before you get to the double doors to the parking lot. We would love to get to know you and yours, and share in life’s joys and heartbreaks. One of God’s greatest gifts to us is each other, and we would love for you to be a part of the body of Christ in our neck of the woods!
We look forward to seeing you and your family!
- Worship service begins at 9:30am in the sanctuary
- Children’s Church is held during the service (during the readings and sermon) at about 9:45am in the sanctuary and then move to our Sunday School room downstairs, returning at about 10:15am
- Refreshments and fellowship follow the service at about 10:30am in our Fellowship Room